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Help and Advice

There is lots of help and advice out there and many organisations that can provide support. The important thing to remember is that you're not alone.

Below are some of the organisations that can help you.

It may feel uncomfortable or scary to pass along information about friends, family, or people you know, if they are involved in knife crime, or wider criminality. But having the courage and confidence to report this information may stop others coming to harm, save someone's life, or stop your friends from going to prison.
You may not want to speak directly to the police, and that is OK. Fearless is a service that allows you to pass on information about crime 100% anonymously.


Victim Support is an independent charity, to support you if you have been affected by crime.


Childline is there for you 24/7, to help and support with any issues you are going through, no matter how big or small.
