Advice for Parents

Advice for Parents

  • General information
  • Where do I start?
  • What do I need to know?

Many young people believe that carrying a knife is normal or necessary. But if you pull out a weapon, all it takes is a matter of seconds for a disagreement to become something much more serious.

It may not feel like it sometimes, but what you say and feel is important to your child. We believe that, with the right support, parents can really make a difference when it comes to changing attitudes to violence and knife carrying.

  • Do your research

    They may think you don’t know enough about, or understand, the subject, so preparation is key. Try to stick to facts rather than opinions. Start by reading the facts here and frequently asked questions here

  • Choose a good time & place

    Make sure there’s plenty of time to talk. Somewhere quiet and private is best, where there won’t be distractions.

  • Listen

    Give them plenty of opportunity to say how they feel. How do they feel when people talk about knife crime? Are they scared? Are they angry? Be patient & encourage them to share their feelings with you. Try not to react if they tell you something that shocks or upsets you.

  • Show you care

    If they were caught with a knife or involved in violence, how would it make you feel?

    How would you feel if something happened to them?

  • Keep it real – bring in personal experiences and recent local news

  • Be positive - reassure them that most people don’t carry knives

The legal stuff

  • It is illegal to carry a knife in public (even if you don’t use it)
  • 'Self-protection' will not be accepted as a valid excuse
  • Police can stop & search anyone for weapons

Did you know that…?

  • Even a minor wound can be fatal if it gets infected
  • Many victims are actually stabbed with their own knife

How bad is knife crime here?

Incidents are on the rise, but at a slow rate. It’s important to remember:

  • Most people in South Yorkshire don’t carry knives
  • Most violence in South Yorkshire doesn’t involve a weapon
  • Possession and threats make up the majority of recorded knife crimes - in these cases the knife is not actually used